What should I expect when I visit Vineyard Fullerton Church?

  • Our service lasts approximately 90 minutes.

  • Show up early for coffee and fellowship and hang after for prayer, more coffee, and a meal at one of our local restaurants.

  • Dress is casual.

  • We begin at 5pm with about 35 minutes of contemporary worship.

  • Communion is a part of our worship time and all are welcome to partake.

  • We take a 2 minute break after worship to say “Hi” to someone.

  • Check the screens or our social media pages for announcements and weekly events.

  • The message is approximately 35 minutes.

  • There is a time afterward to receive prayer and reflect.

  • Giving boxes are located by communion stations or you can donate online.

  • Kids worship with us, join us in partaking in communion, and then go to their classes (see more info below).

  • We have a cry room available with sound from the service. 

  • Please visit our coffee table or talk with one of our greeters if you have any other questions. We would love to meet you and connect!

  • If we didn’t get a chance to say hi before church, there's plenty of time to hang out after in our sanctuary, on our porch, or at a restaurant just across the tracks after service.


Our weekly service has a time of worship through songs that help us express our gratitude toward God, communion, and prayer.

We have programs for elementary age children, junior high and high school. The class for our elementary age children is available on the first and third Saturdays of the month.  The junior high and high school class meets on the second and fourth Saturdays.

We stand firmly on the Bible and tenets of historic, orthodox Christianity and focus on living out those beliefs here and now.

We believe not merely in timeless truths but rather in the story of God as He has interacted with the world and humanity over the millennia (a concept known as “the Kingdom of God”). All of our beliefs are wrapped up intimately within this story, and it is our desire not merely to believe in the story, but to enter into it and allow it to transform our lives and the world around us.

Access our sermons on YouTube.