Growth is a natural by product of living a life in community with other believers for the sake of the world. We want to hear God speak, see God work, say yes to him, and put our hands to whatever He asks us to do. We believe spiritual growth happens in community with other believers. Mid-week groups are the heart of who we are and what we do as a church. It’s in small groups that we meet new people, make friends, encourage and support each other, talk about life, pray for each other, study the Bible and do community service together. Our small groups are open to anyone.
Why join a community group?
We at Vineyard Fullerton believe community groups are important for the simple reason that fellowship & community is important. Many christians today, however, feel that fellowship or small group participation is optional—something they do only when they have free time after work, family errands, friends, & nothing else happening that week. We believe fellowship is basic to what it means to be a christian.
The Bible teaches that once we accept Christ, we are not only reconciled to God, but we are also relationally united with other believers in what’s called the body of Christ. “Just as each of us has one body with many members…so in Christ we who are many form one body & each member belongs to all the others” (Romans 12:4,5). There are countless verses telling us how to relate to each other & the phrase “one another” alone appears over 60 times:
“…Love one another…” (1 John 4:7)
“Honor one another…” (Romans 12:10)
“…Agree with one another…” (1 Corinthians 1:10)
“Be patient, bearing with one another…” (Ephesians 4:2)
The christian life is meant to be lived in the context of fellowship. Unfortunately, it’s hard to experience real fellowship at our weekend worship gatherings. While our weekend worship gatherings are a very important part of our church life-- it’s at our small group meetings during the week that we can experience fellowship. Fellowship with other christians is vital to your spiritual health & growth. If you are not yet involved in a small group, we would urge you to join one and make time for this in your life.
Sign up! We have groups that meet both in-person and online throughout the week, 10 weeks at a time in the Spring and Fall. Our Fall 2024 community groups will be starting September 17th, 2024. We will have a group meeting at our Vineyard Fullerton North location at The Vine Church (204 East Amerige Avenue, Fullerton, CA, 92832) from 7 to 8:30pm.
AFFINITY GROUPS (Winter & Summer)
Along with community groups, we have "affinity" groups which run mainly in the summer and winter. These groups meet together around a common interest, activity, sport or stage of life. In the past we've had Affinity Groups that were about everything from swing dance lessons to film discussions. We have groups that focus on marriage called Prepare/Enrich and others on relationships called "How We Love”. We have art groups, book clubs, sports groups, bible studies, painting classes, and a group for families with small children that meets for picnics in the park. We have a hiking group for all ages and levels that is ongoing. If you're interested in creating a group or hosting one, let us know.