VF Kids is a ministry committed to teaching children about the gospel at every age. Each week, we create an engaging and safe environment for kids to learn about Jesus and grow in their faith. Our trained and screened VF Kids leaders are dedicated to nurturing the spiritual development of our children.

Our goal is to build a family-based community that serves God by serving others. We seek not only to help kids learn about God during class but also to provide opportunities for them to participate with their families in worship, communion, prayer, and outreach. As a family-focused church, we value emotional, physical, and spiritual thriving at every age.

We invite you to join us on Saturday nights at 5 pm.

  • VF Kids Class is available for kids ages 2 through elementary (kindergarten through 5th grade) every week, following worship.

  • The Junior High and High School Class meets on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month, following worship.