What Are You Doing for Easter?
We're hearing that a California storm is heading our way this weekend. That can mean many things, heavy rain or a light sprinkle. This greatly impacts our plans to gather outside for our usual Easter morning service.
Although we love our outdoor Easters at the Muck, we want our church family to be safe, comfortable, dry & warm.
Here is the plan:
We'll celebrate our Risen Lord on Holy Saturday @ 5pm at the church.
We'll have a time of worship & an Easter message, so invite your friends, family & neighbors.
We'll have hot coffee & donuts waiting for you.
Baptisms will now take place on May 11 at our 10th anniversary celebration!
We are looking forward to celebrating our Risen Lord with you!
Vineyard Fullerton Easter Service
Saturday, March 30 @ 5:00pm
112 E. Walnut Ave,
Fullerton, CA 92832