Our vision is to be an authentic community of Christians who live out the message of Jesus and the Bible in such a real way that others would experience the love and mercy of God. To put it simply, we want to: Worship God, love people, make Kingdom disciples, and partner with the Holy Spirit to transform our city.
Our mission is to teach anyone who seriously commits themselves to Jesus how to do be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and to love like Jesus. We are a people of the Kingdom of God who…
• Partner with the Holy Spirit
• Experience and worship God
• Reconcile people with God and all creation
• Engage in compassionate ministry
• Pursue culturally relevant mission in the world
At Vineyard Fullerton, our priorities and values determine not only what we do, but how we go about doing it. We believe that we should know these things like we know the back of our hands.
Our priorities describe what we do — how we spend our time, energy, and money. They are based on the Bible, which is the Word of God and is the standard for what we do at the Vineyard Fullerton.
The highest priority of God's people is to worship Him. Worship is the act of giving to God what is rightfully His, surrendering all that we are to Him. Whenever we gather together, we take the time to express ourselves to Him in heartfelt, intimate worship. If we had to boil down the definition of worship to one sentence it would be this: Worship is our response to our knowledge and our experience of God.
Here at Vineyard Fullerton, we want to give lots of opportunities to do just that. Our heart is to see, train, and encourage people to worship in and through all the varying aspects of their lives. We believe that worship isn't confined to singing a few songs on Saturday evening, but rather it's a way of living life. We can and should worship God at all times and in all things. We're committed to that vision and are working hard to see it applied in our lives and the lives of those around us.
As the Holy Spirit empowers us, we want to minister to others out of hearts that are filled with Christ's mercy and compassion. Basically, we want to continue the ministry of Jesus. We believe the Bible calls Christians to a radical commitment called discipleship. This is an unconditional surrender of our whole lives to Christ. We do not do this in a legalistic way or to impress or judge one another. Rather, our surrender to God springs from a response of love and thanksgiving to God who loved us and gave Himself for us.
God has not created us to follow Him all alone, but in community with one another. Small groups are important at the Vineyard for the simple reason that relationship is important.
We want to reach out to our larger Fullerton community in loving and compassionate expressions of Christ's love. We desire to impact our neighborhoods with the freedom and life of Christ. As we follow Jesus together, our focus is outward—helping people connect to God.
Every house is built upon a foundation. Vineyard Fullerton is built upon the foundation of the Bible, our theology (how we think about God), and our values, the kinds of ideas and attitudes that we feel are important.
Values concern what a particular church feels like, the atmosphere of that church and its ethos. It is possible for two churches to believe exactly the same doctrine, but feel different because the two churches have different value systems.
Here is an overview of our key values at Vineyard Fullerton:
We value relationship with God and with one another. The church is not just a collection of individuals. God is looking for a people, a community who is committed to following Jesus together. We believe that God values people of all races, ages, genders, styles and backgrounds, and that He has called us together as the church. Following Jesus happens in the context of relationships, not in isolation from one another.
We value responsiveness. We believe that Jesus is our Head, the Holy Spirit is our Counselor, and the church really does belong to God. We seek to be responsive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in every area of the church's life and ministry, as well as in our personal lives.
We value righteousness. We seek completely truthful, consistent, and open relationships with God, with others, and with ourselves. We recognize that none of us come to Jesus as righteous, but that as we submit ourselves to God, the Holy Spirit works in us to heal us, free us, and change us to become more and more like Christ. This means that our lives should be full of integrity; living a lifestyle that is consistent with what we say we believe.
We value reality & authenticity. We want every expression of ours—whether speech, manner, music, or architecture—to be non-hyped, natural, and based in reality. We want to present the simple truth of Jesus and experience together the reality of His presence.
We value relevance. We want to use music, terminology, and outreach methods that are in touch with the current culture of our community. We desire to be understandable and practical to those around us who are seeking God.