We are part of a group of churches called The Vineyard. The Vineyard Movement is a network of over 1,500 churches worldwide, committed to seeing each generation reached by the power of the Gospel. All Vineyard churches share the same statement of faith. Click here to download our Statement of Faith from the Vineyard USA website.

The need for a statement of faith arose shortly after the beginning of the Vineyard movement in 1983. We were growing quite rapidly and people were coming into the movement from a variety of theological backgrounds and church traditions. To remain true to the faith once and for ever given to the saints, we knew it was necessary to develop a statement of faith that was faithful to Scriptures and represented the diversity of those who are committed to live under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and in relationship with one another in the Vineyard.

The Bible is our final authority in matters of faith and practice. Therefore, the statements that follow reflect our best attempt to express what we believe, and how we are to live out that faith at this time. Upon further reflection, greater biblical insight, or increased wisdom through experience, these statements could be revised. Until such time, the Vineyard USA Board of Directors has formally adopted this document as our official statement of faith. This action was taken in 1994.

The understanding that the Kingdom of God is the integrating motif of our understanding of the story of God, the Bible and our theology has influenced the structure of this document. From beginning to end, this Statement of Faith reflects our understanding that biblical theology is eschatological in nature and this eschatological dimension is expressed in terms of the Kingdom of God.

The Vineyard USA Board commends this Statement of Faith for use by all our pastors and in all our churches. We pray that God will bless our sincere desire and humble attempt to be ambassadors of His rule and reign through our lives and that His will may be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Genetic Code

  • Clear, accurate Biblical teaching

  • Contemporary Worship in the freedom of the Spirit

  • The Gifts of the Spirit in operation

  • An active Small Group ministry

  • Ministry to the poor, widows, orphans and those who are broken

  • Physical healing with special emphasis on Signs and Wonders as seen in the book of Acts

  • A Commitment to Missions: Church Planting at home and World Missions abroad

  • Unity within the whole Body of Christ, a relationship with other local churches

  • Evangelistic outreach

  • Equipping the saints in areas such as Discipleship, Ministry, Serving, Giving, Finances, Family, etc..